I love these books. The mysteries are a tad heavier than, say, Agatha Christie's or M.C. Beaton's, but they are still very good. I am a huge lover of British mysteries and British mystery writers.
One of the biggest things I enjoy about these books is that they follow two men who are simply friends, no partners on the job, not people required to work together. They are friends and they help each other out. It's an interesting partnership that I find quite refreshing.
There is a whole cast of colorful characters that appear in a lot of the novels that add some lovely interest to each story. For one, Melrose Plant actually has a title or two that he no longer uses, but comes in handy in some cases. The stories tend to be titled after the name of a Pub that features in the story which is another interesting part of these books that I really do love.
I have quite a big collection of her novels that I got second hand (for the most part) from used book stores. I have made it one of my missions to collect them all at some point. (So seriously hard to photograph though! So excuse the photo please!)
Recommendation: These are novels for any mystery lover, especially those who enjoy British mysteries.
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