Saturday, February 11, 2017

Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur

I waited a really long time to get my hands on this book but it
was worth it.

Milk and Honey is a book of poetry by this amazing Canadian poet and artist Rupi Kaur. Also people, she's only on her 20's! 

The book is split up into four sections as deals with different things we experience in life. It deals a lot with heartache and love that we all experience in our twenties. 
After seeing so many quotes and pictures on Instagram highlighting her work I needed to get my hands on it myself. I am happy I did.

I read it through pretty fast actually, more like devoured it whole like a big piece of cheesecake. I'm glad I own it versus getting it at the library because I am looking forward to reading it again and again. I think I might have missed some parts or got swept away in some places that a re-read is really important. 

When it comes to relationships and love I totally know where she's coming from although I no longer feel the same way. This book would have dug itself deep into my core about 10 years ago (back when I was writing poetry about the same things) Now though, I understand and appreciate her words, but they don't all hit me the same way.

That's not to say I don't identify with her work, because I definitely do, it's just there's a time in my life when I would have identified with it so much more! 

Recommendation: Don't be scared of this book because it's poetry, if it sounds interesting to you at all then please go read it. There is so much to gain from her words. It's worth it! 

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