The book is the true account of what Susannah experienced when she went into treatment with a mental illness. I have always found books and stories like this to be interesting. We all live different lives and being able to look into the lives of others can be enlightening and moving experience.
Now, the movie is a little more dramatic and embellished than the book (the real story) was. Part of me is so happy that is the case. If you've ever seen the movie, it's got some parts that really kind of grab you and shake you up. Thankfully, those parts weren't experienced by the author in quite the same way. I could explain but I won't go into more detail because I am so against spoilers of any kind.
This was a super easy and quick read for me, and I was totally wrapped up in it when I was reading it. It's really an open window into the lives of those who experience mental illness.
There are copies of records from the institution from during her stay inserted into the book that I thought were pretty darn cool to see. I do like how much the movie told the story of these characters and did them so much justice though, and I recommend both the movie and the book.
Recommendation: for those who are interested in the lives and experiences of those touched with mental illness, this is something to read!
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