Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister was my first foray into the world of fairy tale retelling. It was also my first read by Gregory Maguire. I picked both of these up at a used book store purely because I had heard of Wicked and how people loved that book, and his others.
I like Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister. It was interesting and I found the twists it put on the original to be quite good. I appreciated that the author kept to the traditional fairy tale by setting it in another time and place even though his story was a little more on the realistic side.
I did enjoy it, and I now have Wicked on my shelf, which I will get to at some point. I hope I enjoy it as much as others do. I will try to keep an open mind when I read it.

Recommendation: Read these if you like, but neither one is on my favourites list, and I've actually removed my copies from my shelves and donated them to make room for new reads.
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